Martes, Marso 6, 2012

Chapter 9: Gross Anatomy and Functions of Skeletal Muscle

Gross Anatomy and Functions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscle Nomenclature

Functional Groups
1)  Prime mover – provides major force of movement.
2) Antagonist – oppose or reverse a particular movement; is often stretched when prime mover is active; help regulates action of prime mover by contracting somewhat to provide resistance that prevents overshoot or slows movement.
3) Synergists – help prime mover muscles by adding extra force to same movement or by
reducing undesirable or unnecessary movements that might occur during the action of a
prime mover; if they immobilize a bone or a muscle’s origin, they are called fixators.

Muscle Names
 a. Location – usually muscle name indicates body or body region with which muscle is
associated; can indicate position relative to other similarly named muscles.
• e.g., major, minor, external, internal
b. Shape – some muscles are named for their distinctive shape.
• e.g., triangular (=deltoid), trapezoidal (=trapezius)
c. Size – name indicates large, internediate, or small size.
• e.g., largest (=maximus), smallest (=minimus), intermedius, longest (=longus), shortest (=brevis)
Muscle Attachment
d. Fiber Direction – name indicates direction of fibers either in reference to imaginary line or in reference to body position.
• e.g., straight (=rectus), right angles/oblique (=transversus or oblique)
e. Number of Origins – if muscle has multiple origins, the name can indicate how many.
• e.g., biceps = 2 origins, triceps = 3 origins, quadriceps = 4 origins
f. Origin and Insertion – name indicates origin and insertion points; origin name always comes first.
• e.g., sternocleidomastoid – inserts on mastoid, originates on sternum and clavicle.
g. Action – can be named for the action they do.
e.g., flexor, extensor, adductor, supinator
h. Multiple Criteria – can be named using combinations of above schemes.
• e.g., extensor carpi radialis longus
• muscle action = extension
• joint it acts on = carpus/wrist
• position = close to radius
• size = long

Interactions of Skeletal Muscles – operation is based on use of leverage

a. bones are levers – allows movement of heavy load or faster movement of load
1st class levers:  effort applied at one end of lever, load at other end, fulcrum in between.
(e.g., gastrocnemius, triceps)
2nd class levers:  effort applied at one end of lever, fulcrum at other end, load in between
(e.g., wheelbarrow, gastrocnemius if you use it to stand on toes)
3rd class levers:  effort is applied between load and fulcrum 
(e.g., biceps, deltoids, hamstrings, etc.)
• power levers have mechanical advantage
• load is close to fulcrum and small effort is applied far from fulcrum (e.g., car jack,
adductor muscles)
• speed levers have mechanical disadvantage
• load is far from fulcrum and effort is applied near fulcrum; effort exerted must be
greater than load moved or supported (e.g., gluteal muscles)
b. joints are fulcrums
c. muscles and their contraction are the applied force or effort

Muscle Anatomy
General Overview of the Superficial Body Musculature


Anterior View
Lateral View

Muscles of Facial Expression
Muscle NameOriginInsertionActionInnervation
Epicranius: FrontalisGalea aponeuroticaSkin superior to supraorbital marginDraws scalp anteriorly, wrinkles forehead horizontally, raises eyebrowsFacial XII (7)
Epicranius: OccipitalisOccipital bone, Mastoid processGalea (epicranial), aponeuropticaDraws skin posteriorlyFacial XII (7)
Orbicularis orisCircling the mouthMouth angle (skin @ corner of mouth)Closes and protrudes lips, Compresses lips against teeth, Shapes lips during speechFacial XII (7)
Zygomaticus majorZygomatic boneMouth angle, orbicularis oris muscleDraws mouth superiorly (smiling)Facial XII (7)
Zygomaticus minorZygomatic boneUpper lipElevates upper lipFacial XII (7)
Levator labii superiorisSuperior to infraorbital foramenMouth angle, obicularis oris muscleElevates upper lip (snarl)Facial XII (7)
Orbicularis OculiMedial wall of orbitCircle around orbitCloses eyeFacial XII (7)
Corrugator superciliiMedial superciliary arch (eyebrow arch) of frontal boneSkin of eyebrowDraws eyebrows inferiorly, wrinkles forehead vertically (frown)Facial XII (7)
Levator Palpebrae SuperiorisRoot of orbit (sphenoid)Skin of upper eyelidElevates eyelid (opepns eye)Oculomotor III (3)
Depressor labii inferiorisMandibleSkin of lower lipDepresses lower lipFacial XII (7)
Depressor labii orisMandibleMouth angleDraws angle of mouth laterally & inferiorly (opens mouth)Facial XII (7)
BuccinatorAveolar processesOrbicularis orisPresses cheeks against teeth & lips. Draws corner of mouth laterally. Keeps food between teeth.Facial XII (7)
MentalisMandibleSkin of chinElevates & protrudes lower lipFacial XII (7)
PlatysmaFascia over deltoid & pectoris majorMandible. Orbicularis oris. Skin of lower faceDraws outer part of lower lip. Inferiorly & posteriorly (pouting). Depresses mandible.Facial XII (7)
RisoriusFascia over parotid glandMouth angleDraws angle of mouth laterallyFacial XII (7)
MasseterMaxilla. Zygomatic archExterior ramus angle mandibleElevates & retracts mandibleMandibular branch trigeminal V (5)
TemporalisTemporal bone. Frontal boneCoronoid process & ramus of mandibleElevates and retracts mandibleMandibular branch trigeminal V (5)
Muscles of Mastication

Hyoid Muscles

Suprahyoid Muscles

digastricanterior belly - digastric fossa (mandible); posterior belly - mastoid process of temporal boneIntermediate tendon (hyoid bone)anterior belly - mandibular division of the trigeminal(CN V) via the mylohyoid nerve; posterior belly -facial nerve (CN VII)Opens the jaw when the masseter and the temporalis are relaxed.
stylohyoidstyloid process (temporal)greater cornuof hyoid bonefacial nerve (CN VII)Elevate the hyoid during swallowing
mylohyoidMylohyoid line (mandible)Median raphémylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar arterymylohyoid nerve, from inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve [V3]Raises oral cavity floor,elevates hyoid, depresses mandible
geniohyoidSymphysis mentihyoid boneC1 via hypoglossal nervecarry hyoid bone and the tongue upward during deglutition
Infrahyoid Muscles

sternohyoidmanubrium of sternumhyoid boneansa cervicalisdepress hyoid bone
sternothyroidmanubriumthyroid cartilageAnsa cervicalisElevates larynx, may slightly depress hyoid bone
thyrohyoidthyroid cartilagehyoid bonefirst cervical nervedepress hyoid bone
omohyoidUpper border of the scapulaHyoid boneAnsa cervicalisDepresses the larynx and hyoid bone. Carries hyoid bone backward and to the side
Anterior Superficial View
Muscles of the Vertebral Column
SternocleidomastoidExtends & rotates head, flexes vertebral columnC2, C3
ScalenusFlexes & rotates neckLower cervical
Spinalis CervicisExtends & rotates headMiddle/lower cervical
Spinalis CapitusExtends & rotates headMiddle/lower cervical
Semispinalis CervicisExtends & rotates vertebral columnMiddle/lower cervical
Semispinalis CapitusRotates head & pulls backwardC1 – C5
Splenius CervicisExtends vertebral columnMiddle/lower cervical
Longus Colli CervicisFlexes cervical vertebraeC2 – C7
Longus CapitusFlexes headC1 – C3
Rectus Capitus AnteriorFlexes headC2, C3
Rectus Capitus LateralisBends head laterallyC2, C3
Iliocostalis CervicisExtends cervical vertebraeMiddle/lower cervical
Longissimus CervicisExtends cervical vertebraeMiddle/lower cervical
Longissimus CapitusRotates head & pulls backwardMiddle/lower cervical
Rectus Capitus Posterior MajorExtends & rotates headSuboccipital
Rectus Capitus Posterior MinorExtends headSuboccipital
Obliquus Capitus InferiorRotates atlasSuboccipital
Obliquus Capitus SuperiorExtends & bends head laterallySuboccipital

Longissimus ThoracisExtension, lateral flexion of vertebral column, rib rotationDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Iliocostalis ThoracisExtension, lateral flexion of vertebral column, rib rotationDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Spinalis ThoracisExtends vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Semispinalis ThoracisExtends & rotates vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Rotatores ThoracisExtends & rotates vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves

Psoas Major
Flexes thigh at hip joint & vertebral column
L2, L3, sometimes L1 or L4
Intertransversarii LateralisLateral flexion of vertebral columnVentral primary division of spinal nerves
Quadratus LumborumLateral flexion of vertebral columnT12, L1
InterspinalesExtends vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Intertransversarii MedialesLateral flexion of vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
MultifidusExtends & rotates vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Longissimus LumborumExtends & rotates vertebral columnDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves
Iliocostalis LumborumExtension, lateral flexion of vertebral column, rib rotationDorsal primary divisions of spinal nerves

Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

external abdominal oblique(N249,TG5-04)lower 8 ribslinea alba, pubic crest & tubercle, anterior superior iliac spine & anterior half of iliac crestflexes and laterally bends the trunkintercostal nerves 7-11, subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves

internal abdominal oblique(N250,TG5-04)thoracolumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of the iliac crest, lateral 2/3 of the inguinal ligamentlower 3 or 4 ribs, linea alba, pubic crest and pectenflexes and laterally bends the trunkintercostal nerves 7-11, subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves

transversus abdominis(N251,TG5-05)lower 6 ribs, thoracolumbar fascia, anterior 3/4 of the iliac crest, lateral 1/3 of inguinal ligamentlinea alba, pubic crest and pectenflexes and laterally bends trunkintercostal nerves 7-11, subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves

rectus abdominis(N250,TG5-05)pubic crest and symphysisxiphoid process of the sternum and costal cartilages 5-7flexes the trunkintercostal nerves 7-11 and subcostal nerve

pyramidalis (TG5-10)pubic crest, anterior to rectus abdominislinea albadraws the linea alba inferiorlysubcostal nerve


Muscles of the Pelvic Floor and Perineum

coccygeusischial spineside of the coccyx and lower sacrumelevates the pelvic floorbranches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves S3-S4

iliococcygeusarcus tendineus levator ani and the ischial spineanococcygeal raphe and the coccyxelevates the pelvic floorbranches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves S3-S4

levator aniposterior surface of the body of the pubis, fascia of the obturator internus m. (arcus tendineus levator ani), ischial spineanococcygeal raphe and coccyxelevates the pelvic floorbranches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves S3-S4

obturator internusthe internal surface of the obturator membrane and margin of the obturator foramengreater trochanter on its medial surface above the trochanteric fossalaterally rotates and abducts the thighnerve to the obturator internus m.

piriformisanterior surface of sacrumupper border of greater trochanter of femurlaterally rotates and abducts thighventral rami of S1-S2
pubococcygeusposterior aspect of the superior pubic ramiscoccyxelevates the pelvic floorbranches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves S3-S4

puborectalisposterior aspect of the body of the pubisunites with the puborectalis m. of other side posterior to the rectumdraws the distal rectum forward and superiorly; aids in voluntary retention of fecesbranches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves S3-S4

pubovaginalisposterior aspect of the body of the pubisfascia of the vagina and perineal bodydraws the vagina forward and superiorlybranches of the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves S3-S4


Muscles of the Forearm and Hand Movements

deltoidlateral one-third of clavicle, acromion, lower lip of the crest of the spine of the scapuladeltoid tuberosity of the humerusabducts arm; anterior fibers flex & medially rotate arm; posterior fibers extend & laterally rotate armaxillary nerve (C5,6) from posterior cord of brachial plexus
teres majordorsum of the inferior angle of scapulacrest of lesser tubercle of humerusadducts arm, medially rotates arm, assists in arm extensionlower subscapular nerve (C5,6) from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus
rotator cuff
(N425, N426, TG2-08, TG2-16A, TG2-16B, TG2-16C,Practical)
supraspinatus fossagreater tubercle of humerus (highest facet)abduct arm (initiate abduction)suprascapular nerve (C5,6) from superior trunk of brachial plexus
infraspinatusinfraspinatus fossagreater tubercle of humerus (middle facet)laterally rotate armsuprascapular nerve
teres minorupper 2/3 of the lateral border of the scapulagreater tubercle of humerus (lowest facet)laterally rotates armaxillary
subscapularismedial two-thirds of costal surface of scapula (subscapular fossa)lesser tubercle of humerusmedially rotates arm; assists extension of armupper and lower subscapular nerves (C5,6)
biceps brachiishort head: tip of coracoid process; long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapulatuberosity of radiusflexes forearm, flexes arm (long head), supinatesmusculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)
brachialisanterior surface of lower one-half of humerus and intermuscular septaulnar tuberosity of ulnaflexes forearmmusculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)
coracobrachialiscoracoid process of scapulamedial humerus at mid-shaftflexes and adducts armmusculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)
serratus anteriorribs 1-8 or 9medial border of the scapula on its costal (deep) surfaceit draws the scapula forward; the inferior fibers rotate the scapula superiorlylong thoracic nerve (from ventral rami C5-C7)
triceps brachiilong head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula; lateral head: posterolateral humerus & lateral intermuscular septum; medial head: posteromedial surface of inferior 1/2 of humerusolecranon process of the ulnaextends forearm; long head extends and adducts armradial nerve
anconeuslateral epicondylelateral side of olecranon and upper one-fourth of ulnaextends forearmnerve to anconeus from radial nerve


Muscles for Leg Movements
Thigh OriginInsertionAction Notes
Posterior thigh

See also: Stretches

(Hamstrings)Hamstring Stretches
Biceps FemorisLong head -Ischial tuberosityShort head- lateral lip of linea asperaHead of the fibulaFlex knee, extend hip,
tilt pelvis posteriorly,
laterally rotates femur
SemitendinosusIschial tuberosityProximal, medial condyle of the tibiaFlex knee, extend hip,
tilt pelvis posteriorly,
medially rotate of flexed knee
superficial, stringy, tendonus attachment
SemimembranosusIschial tuberosityPosterior medial condyle of the tibiaFlex knee, extend hip, tilt
pelvis posteriorly, medially rotate flexed knee
 deeper, broader, most medial
Anterior Thigh
Sartorius Anterior superior iliac spineUpper medial shaft of tibia assists flexion, abduction, lateral rotation of hip, assists flexion, medial rotation of kneecross-legged flexion: the tailors muscle
Rectus femoris anterior inferior iliac spine, ilium on upper margin of acetabulumpatella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosityextension of knee, assists flexion of hip only hip flexor of quad group
Vastus medialis linea aspera on posterior femurpatella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosityextension of knee 
Vastus lateralis linea aspera on posterior femurpatella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosityextension of knee
Vastus intermedius anterior and lateral femoral shaftpatella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosityextension of knee 
 Medial thighGroin Stretches
Pectineus superior ramus of pubispectineal line of femur flexes hip, adducts thigh, medially rotates the thigh
Adductor longusanterior pubis just inferior to pubic tuberclelinea aspera on posterior femuradduction of hip, assists in flexion and medial rotation of hip 
Adductor brevis anterior pubislinea aspera on posterior femur adduction of the hip, assists in flexion and medial rotation of hip 
Adductor magnus inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus,  ischial tuberosityproximal 1/3 of linea aspera of posterior femur, adductor tubercle adduction of hip, assists in flexion of hip, posterior fiber assists in extension of hipassist hamstrings
Gracilis anterior pubismedial proximal tibiaadduction of hip, assists in flexion and medial rotation of flexed knee crosses knee and hip
 Leg, ankle, foot, posterior thigh
Gastrocnemius medial epicondyle of femur, lateral epicondyle of femurcalcaneus via achilles tendonplantarflexion of  foot at  ankle, flexion of kneecrosses knee and ankle
Soleus upper fibula, soleal line of tibiacalcaneus via achilles tendonplantarflexes footdeep to gastrocnemius, but wider than gastroc; strong contractions pump blood from leg to heart
Plantaris above the lateral head of gastrocnemius on femurcalcaneus via achilles tendonweak plantarflexion of the foot at ankle may be absent in approx. 10% of people
Popliteus lateral femoral condyleposterior tibial surface above soleal line laterally rotates femur, flexes the knee, unlocks knee from and extended positiondeepest muscle of posterior knee
Tibialis posterior proximal posterior tibia,
interosseous membrane, medial fibula
navicular, cuneiform, cuboid bones and bases of 2nd -4th metatarsalsinverts the foot, plantar flexes the ankletendons under flexor retinaculum
Flexor digitorum longus lower 2/3 of tibia4 outer phalanges plantar surface, along side ankle plantarflexes and inverts foot, flexes toes 2-5
Flexor hallicus longus inferior 2/3 of posterior fibulaplantar surface of big toe  flexes big toe, weak plantarflexion of the ankle, inversion of foot
Anterior leg Stretches for shin splints
Tibialis anterior lateral tibia, proximal lateral surface of tibia, interosseous membranemedial cuneiform, first metatarsal  inversion of foot,
dorsiflexion of ankle
Extensor digitorum longus lateral tibial condyle, fibuladorsal surface of phalanges 2-5 extension of toes 2-5, dorsiflexion of the ankle, eversion of the foot
Extensor hallicus longus medial aspect of the fibula, interosseous membranediatal phalanx of big toeextends the big toe,
dorsiflexion of the ankle, inversion of the foot
 Lateral leg
Peroneus longus upper lateral fibulamedial cuneiform, plantar surface of cuboid, base of 1st metatarsaleversion and abduction of foot, weak plantarflexion of foot
Peroneus brevis lower, lateral 2/3 of fibula fifth metatarsaleversion and abduction of foot, weak plantarflexion of foot


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